Friday, February 25, 2011

A Journey With Lady Jess.

So, lets give this blog scene another go go go.

Ways to start blogs are always a struggle.. Back spacing more times than necessary. Bloging in this generation is almost a competition to see who can come up with the coolest/edited pictures or most wowing quote and revelation.
I have no blog to look up to and seeing as im not a fan of conforming, Ill have tp pathe the way for myself in this blogging thang. (Stoked HE made a way when there was no way)

On that note, I may eleberate.
 The Lord is so good! Glory to him. Summer camp he turned up (as always) and changed so so many lives from the inside out (literally). Nothing as beauitful as hearing storys of restoration and healing from the only who can bring such things. Physical, emotional and grace fulled testimonys came from countless mouths. Jesus turned up in boys and girls lives, touched the dark places that the enemy trys to attack and set his children free. I ticked almost everything off my list of expectation, note: I am truley greatful that Jesus will test our trust and patience.

Parachute 2011 was beauitiful.
I enjoy walking around by myself and enjoying the world through my own eyes.
Observant I am. This works against me sometimes.
If it wernt for me being a bit strange and liking alone time, then I would not of been able to meet so many people and have an impartation of maybe even a small seed of hope!
Thas what his heart beats all about.

Speaking of his heart.

I go hand and hand with what your about.
I refuse to only seek half of your desires.
To the injustice, poor, needy, grusome reality of this world
I will take your peace.