Sunday, November 27, 2011

All is well

It has been some time since my last blog. Life is well. All is well.
So much has happened recently, its been hard to keep up.

I finished high school.
Then I handed in my portfolio.
Then I had to study like crazy for exams.
Finished them.
Now im on holidays.
Summer I say.

Im prepared to be quite self centered really.
Go to Ohope.
Be warm.
Read books.
Go for runs.
Pursue God.
Write lots.
Laugh with family.
Be crazy with my friends.
And love myself.

I have never been in a place where I was unsure what the next season of my life was going to be, but currently, thats been broken.
Im loving it.

I think I deserve a break.
Its been a long 13 years walking up Guilford Tce every morning.

And I am ever so thrilled to have left.
:- )

Highschool that is.

Side note: God is good.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Today is the begining of a new journey, season and misson.
I have been assigned the most complex yet simplified assignment.
I have embraced it, arms wide open.
There is no turning back.
Sanctification is now the foundation of my pursuit of God.

Life is so avaliable to be lived to the full, it is only ourselves whom allow limitations.
Don't let slander, words, gossip, offence, bitterness, illness or even regret consume us and take the place of  joy, which is so just eagerly waiting for our attention.

... Because as I would always tell my mumma

"1 minute of anger is 60 seconds of happiness you can never get back"

Open your eyes. Speak life. See the goodness. Encourage people. Thank God. Appoligise when needed. Note opportunitys. Be willing to change. Don't be patronising. Take chances. Trust God. Love people. Be dearing. Have fun. And always remember, everybody has a story. Don't forget to ask someone what theres is.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

taylor swift's music fills a spot in my heart very few can fill.
i write too many lists.
sucker for american accients
everytime i go on a clothes shop i end up buying more shoes.
i secretley suck at writting blogs
actually, its no secret.
i made a list.
i heart kate fitzmaurice with all my heart.
last night was the best service ive ever been in.
mint slices.
new job
check out chick..
not so much.
sucker for winter fashion.
summer fashion i rebuke you
bright bright bright colours
moving away from black
emma steer keep encouraging it.
john mayer.
nearly lost my journal the other day
would of cried.
3 weeks left.
portfolio, I HATE YOU.
didnt fall.
take me back.
winter stay.
point of difference.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


It has been some extreme time in which I have updated this blog. Life is going grand. Hectic, but grand. School is nearly over. I have about 8 weeks left untill my the scary stuff begins. Though I cant help thinking these last 8 weeks are indeed more vital than anything I will be able to do next year. I have 8 weeks to pass level 3. I have 8 weeks to share and act out the gospel in my high school with no Christian group. I have 8 weeks to train up the next gen in my high school. Yus. I have 8 weeks to show my teachers what Im all about, that being Jesus of corse.
This will be fun.

“Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.” John 14:23 NIV

This is the verse of the day.
The thing that catches me about this verse is that Jesus says that, he will come to them.
How great is that.
In the midst of the crazyness of life. Well, that which seems to be crazy.
In the middle of the stresses of school, the hectic family battles, the war of our minds, the pressures, temptations and hurdles we are all faced with each day- the insignificant and the significant, God will come to us. 
We dont have to put on our Holy suit, and dance into his courts with clean hands, with walls of daisys up around our heart.
We just need to  love him by obey his teaching. And he will come.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Holidays are great.
There is almost nothing more exciting than going to sleep with absolutley no plans for the next day.
Tonight I watched HP.
It was brilliant. (hence title)
Although I do get scared whilst watching it.
Thats not good.
I am happy voldermort is dead.

Guttered x 1000 that im not at Get Smart.
Sydney on Friday though.
I reckon I will know instantly when I land if it feels right or not.

I fail at gym workouts.

I am happy.
Sleep time it is.

PS, Im a sucker for Rupert Grint.
Hahaha not really.
But Im sure hes a really cool ginger.

God is increds.
I hate abreviation.

Feel the need to express my love. Anna Brasz is truley amazing. She has so much capacity. See what i did there..
She inspires me.
Same with Tonks.
Producing, funtimes.
But actually. Im so excited.
Im excited for the future.
Life is good.

Chill out in the Jungle.

Monday, June 27, 2011


"But If im not going to talk about it.... then who is?"

- Jimmy Needham.

Monday, June 20, 2011


I have not posted in a long while. I semi fail at blogging.

I am to indecisive on what to write. Im glad im indecisive in the small things and not in the big... How does that work I wonder..

Today I was sad.

Last year in the middle of July I met a girl called Manoelle Godlin. She was pretty. And has nice clothes. And long ashey blonde hair. And walked with elagance. And was classy. And I could not really understand her. And I wanted to be her friend. So I got in her world & we had a really hard language barrier coffee date.

Today that same girl caught a plane back to Belgium, yet she was not the same girl I had meet 11months ago. She was more than a blonde girl with beautiful french fashion and a captivating foreign outward apperance. She was my Mano. She was not just a St Marys girl. She became a bestie. She was not just an exchange student. She was one of us. And for being pretty opposite people I have never felt so accepted by anyone before.

Beyond that beauitful Belgium apperance, laid the most soft spoke, caring, loving and cutest girl I have ever met. And I know a lot of girls.
Shes not fake.
She doesnt pretend.
She doesnt lie.
She just is.

I love friends.
To be honest I don't actually have many close ones. I know a lot of people, a lot.
But not all of them are friends. Not all of them know me for who I am.
Lots of people think im intimidating and scary. Beyond my comprehension that is.
But Mano was a friend. She proved to me that you don't need to know eachother for years and years.
That you don't need to go throught a tramatic experiance with each other to become close.
That you don't need to be exactly the same type of people.
That you don't even need to go to Church to accept people.
She showed me that you just need to be yourself and confident within yourself, and you will attract all types of different frienships.
And by her just being her trrue self, she taught me a valuable lesson.

The truth is, I dont know when the next time is that I will see Mano face to face. Maybe in 10years if she comes back for our high school reunion. Or maybe oneday if I travel to Europe.
But I know I WILL see her again oneday.
We will all get on with our lives and one day we will meet up again, and get coffee.
But maybe this time she will be the one updating me on slang, and how to pronounce french words.
One day we will go and look a the shops again. With our starbucks and her extra discusting cinomen. And she will update me about all her happenings and various boyfriends.

I don't have a way to sum up this blog.
 Got nothing awesome to make it all a happy ending.
And im not a fan of depressing blogs.
But this is how it is.
I hate goodbyes.
But today at Wellignton airpiort with just under 20 St Marys girls and a few of her boys seeing her off
was deffinatley not a goodbye.
It was the begining of a long distance frienship.
Friendships have no travel distance.

& as for the next few years, skype will have to do.

Manoelle if you ever read this, I hope you will know that you have made these past 11 months a joy.
I will miss you and your me goreng noodles around the discusting common room.
I have not cried this hard in a long time.
I miss you. I'll never forget you.
And in the words of the Belgium lady herself.
"I love you KURL"

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

hello prettys

"You see the depths of my heart - and you love me the same"


Hi prettys.
Feel like blogging.
Should be sleeping.
I am so incrediably excited for passionate it is insane!
Im excited for the heart wrenching messages/for the beautiful stillness/for the uncontrollable tears/for facing mountains/for being lead to the alter/for trembling on my knees/for laying it all down/for seeing freedom/for taking hold of it all/for healing/for love/for truth/for worship/for laughter/for visions/for broken hearts/for the little things/for encounter/for justice/for calling/for prophicie/for restoration/for connecting with more ladys/for forming new friendships/for seeing beck/for feeling beautiful/for seeing my girls lifes being altered/its funny that he will do more than i can dream or imagine.

its going to be beautiful.
say bye to current baker.
cus im gunna get owned by Jesus.

pumped. x  10000000

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Love Love Love.

Avalanche city came to the big wellys.
And I did not know.

Auckland I heart you very much.

Friday, February 25, 2011

A Journey With Lady Jess.

So, lets give this blog scene another go go go.

Ways to start blogs are always a struggle.. Back spacing more times than necessary. Bloging in this generation is almost a competition to see who can come up with the coolest/edited pictures or most wowing quote and revelation.
I have no blog to look up to and seeing as im not a fan of conforming, Ill have tp pathe the way for myself in this blogging thang. (Stoked HE made a way when there was no way)

On that note, I may eleberate.
 The Lord is so good! Glory to him. Summer camp he turned up (as always) and changed so so many lives from the inside out (literally). Nothing as beauitful as hearing storys of restoration and healing from the only who can bring such things. Physical, emotional and grace fulled testimonys came from countless mouths. Jesus turned up in boys and girls lives, touched the dark places that the enemy trys to attack and set his children free. I ticked almost everything off my list of expectation, note: I am truley greatful that Jesus will test our trust and patience.

Parachute 2011 was beauitiful.
I enjoy walking around by myself and enjoying the world through my own eyes.
Observant I am. This works against me sometimes.
If it wernt for me being a bit strange and liking alone time, then I would not of been able to meet so many people and have an impartation of maybe even a small seed of hope!
Thas what his heart beats all about.

Speaking of his heart.

I go hand and hand with what your about.
I refuse to only seek half of your desires.
To the injustice, poor, needy, grusome reality of this world
I will take your peace.


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A Journey With Lady Jess.

32 All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had. 33 With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And God’s grace was so powerfully at work in them all 34 that there were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned land or houses sold them, brought the money from the sales 35 and put it at the apostles’ feet, and it was distributed to anyone who had need.

This is that which I desire to be.